
Kaligrafija na golem ženskem telesu (NSFW)

Ko se združita body art umetnost in kaligrafija ruskega tipografa, ki sliši na ime Pokras Lampas. Je sodobni…

Pisava Helvetica, njena smrt ter vzpon alternativ

Pisava Helvetica je ena izmed najbolj znanih pisav na svetu. Številne blagovne znamke, kot so Google, Apple, CNN, IBM, so naredile svojo pisavo, ki se na prvi pogled ne razlikuje od originala. Zakaj?

Erik Spiekermann: Putting Back the Face into Typeface

Design genius Erik Spiekermann talks about new visual languages, design processes, the analogies of music and typography, and why we need better client culture.

Type Connection – A Typographic Dating Game

Type Connection is a game that helps you learn how to pair typefaces.

Helvetica The Perfume

Helvetica The Perfume™ is the first limited edition product from Guts & Glory, a creative collective based in Oakland, California.

The History of Typography

A paper-letter animation about the history of fonts and typography.

Design Is One – Lella and Massimo Vignelli (Trailer)

Lella and Massimo Vignelli are two of the world’s most influential designers.

Package Design: Helvetica Beer

A student work for British Higher School of Art and Design.

The Art of Hand Lettering

If you are into hand drawn lettering than this blog is for you. It features a collection of beautiful…