
Kaligrafija na golem ženskem telesu (NSFW)

Ko se združita body art umetnost in kaligrafija ruskega tipografa, ki sliši na ime Pokras Lampas. Je sodobni…

Zakaj podjetje potrebuje spletno stran?

Danes imamo vse na dosegu prsta ene roke. Prisotnost na spletu ni več vprašanje ampak nuja. Tukaj je nekaj koristi, ki vam jih prinese korektno narejena spletna stran.

Less talk, more rock

“Less talk, more rock” (by Propagandhi)#ideatorism

A good brand has a good story

“A good brand has a good story”#ideatorism

Recognize what’s working and what’s not.

“Recognize what’s working and what’s not.”#ideatorism

When necessary, say no.

“When necessary, say no.”#ideatorism

Money is not a cause. It’s a consequence.

“Money is not a cause. It’s a consequence.”#ideatorism

Always ask good questions.

“Always ask good questions.”#ideatorism

Good solutions, happy clients.

“Good solutions, happy clients.”#ideatorism

When you can’t fix the problem, change the strategy.

“When you can’t fix the problem, change the strategy.” #ideatorism